Salty Simulations has thrilled the flight sim community with the release of an Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) for their popular Boeing 747-8 mod in Microsoft Flight Simulator. This new addition aims to enhance the immersive experience for pilots, allowing users access to essential flight tools directly in the cockpit. With features such as custom checklists, navigation maps, and real-time performance data, the EFB enables more efficient and realistic in-flight decision-making.

The EFB is designed to closely mimic the functionality of a real-world electronic flight bag, an essential tool for pilots that streamlines many in-flight processes. In addition to flight data, users can access detailed weather information, fuel calculations, and route planning—all through the virtual interface. This feature makes the 747-8 mod even more sophisticated, offering a deeper level of realism to those looking to replicate airline operations.

Beyond enhancing basic functionality, Salty Simulations’ EFB integrates seamlessly with the 747-8 cockpit environment, allowing for easy access and control via an intuitive, tablet-like display. It’s a practical and visually appealing upgrade, demonstrating Salty Simulations’ commitment to creating high-quality mods that push the limits of flight simulation.

As a result, the EFB release has been well-received by sim enthusiasts who have long awaited tools that mirror the advanced resources available to real pilots. This update is sure to elevate long-haul flights, providing simmers with a more engaging, authentic aviation experience.


Written by: JT

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