39 Results / Page 5 of 5



ORBX Idaho Deadly 3 Dewey Moore -Simonds and Vines Airstrips

Welcome back to the Idaho Backcountry, the premiere setting for recreational aviation. The "deadly 3" comprises 4 fun-filled locations, where you can test your skills at the most challenging airstrips in the country. Dewey Moore, Simonds, and Vines all have their own difficulties and will require preparation to execute in a safe manner. For an added bonus, Rush Point Creek Fire Lookout has a makeshift heli area and STOL landing zone, which is not for the faint-hearted. "The Deadly 3" […]

todayAugust 23, 2023 366 37


Review: Orbx Dublin Landmarks for MSFS

Orbx Dublin Landmarks brings Ireland’s capital to life in the world of Microsoft Flight Simulator. The largest city of Ireland thus got a significant overhaul, which Microsoft failed doing so in their World Update 3 – UK & Ireland. First of all, I would like to thank Orbx for providing us with a review copy of this scenery. However, my opinions will be honest, and will exactly represent how I feel about this rendition. First Impressions I spawned near the […]

todayNovember 24, 2022 463 91


ToLiss Previews EFB and CPDLC For Their Fleet

After lacking an Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) since the initial release of their first addon for X-Plane back in 2018, the whole ToLiss fleet is now getting a brand new EFB and CPDLC soon, starting off with the A340. ToLiss made the announcement through their social networks. The EFB will feature a vast array of features every pilot needs in their typical day. The primary point of the EFB is to allow the user to control the aircraft without having […]

todayNovember 16, 2022 369 88




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