
iFly Shows 737 MAX for Prepar3D

todayNovember 6, 2022 364 30 5

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The development team of iFly has again shown their upcoming Boeing 737 MAX series for Prepar3D. This time, they showed the aircraft’s performance in a YouTube video. However, the video also showcased the most important aspects of the aeroplane.

The video also shows animations and 3D modelling of the aircraft. Speaking of the performance, which was the main subject of this video, it seems to be very smooth. It should be noted, though, that this performance test was done on i9-12900k CPU and RTX 3080 graphics card. Thus, the performance may vary from one system to another.

On the other hand, the team has said that the Prepar3D settings are fairly maxed out and no other add-ons were active during testing.

You can also read more about iFly 737 MAX and about its gradual development throughout the last year in our different articles, which can be found over here. The iFly team still hasn’t published any release or pricing information about this aircraft.

Speaking of the Microsoft Flight Simulator version of their aeroplanes, including the 737NG series they have already worked on, the team is considering creating these 737 aircraft for Microsoft Flight Simulator as well.


Written by: JT

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