

Gaya Simulations Announces Vienna V2 for MSFS

todayNovember 20, 2022 113

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After almost nine months of complete silence, the team at Gaya Simulations took to their social networks to announce that their Vienna V2 scenery for Microsoft Flight Simulator is getting close. Alongside the Vienna V2 news, Gaya Simulations also recently talked about their other scenery projects, including Munich, Barcelona, and Stansted for MSFS.

Vienna V2 from Gaya Simulations is set to feature far more accurate and detailed jetways, removed static aircraft, a new solar farm on the south side of the field, or fixed orthoimagery issue which has been around since the World Update 6.

What’s more, the scenery is also going to come with additional details and large-scale optimizations for the entire airport, and Gaya GSE. Gaya GSE is Gaya Simulations’ in-house ground service equipment addon.

With Gaya GSE, flight simmers will be able to enjoy extremely immersive, true-to-life Vienna ground service equipment with custom animations. Gaya GSE does not only work with the user’s aircraft, but also all present AI aircraft.

New vs. old

Munich, Barcelona, Rio de Janeiro, Stansted, and Greek Islands

Alongside this amazing news, the team has also lately reassured the community, that their Munich, Barcelona, Rio de Janeiro, Stansted and Greek Islands 1-3 sceneries are still alive, however, they can’t talk about them publicly due to their agreement with Microsoft.

All these sceneries are coming solely to Microsoft Flight Simulator, and not X-Plane nor Prepar3D.

Gaya Simulations’ Munich and Stansted previews from 2020

If you want to read more about the nine new Greek airports Gaya Simulations is working on, you can read our article about the initial announcement from November 15th, 2020 by clicking here.

Whereas if you want to read about the other sceneries, including Munich, Rio de Janeiro, or Stansted, you can read our other article about their initial announcements, also from November 2020 here.


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