
October is here, and so is the latest update from *BlueBird Simulations* for their highly anticipated Boeing 757! For all the flight simmers eagerly awaiting its release, this update brings some major insights into the development progress and exciting features of this iconic aircraft. However, BlueBird confirmed that the 757 will not see a release in 2024. While the delay might be disappointing for some, the team assures us it’s all about delivering a high-quality product. Let’s dive into the key highlights from this October update!

Cockpit Development in Full Swing

One of the standout features in this update is the extensive work being done on the cockpit. BlueBird Simulations is focusing on fine-tuning the cockpit’s aesthetics and functionality to ensure realism. The video provides an up-close look at the detailed textures, sharp displays, and the accurate layout of the avionics. BlueBird is ensuring that both aesthetics and systems are in line with what simmers expect from a high-fidelity model.

Realistic Flight Model Progress

Another crucial point covered in the update is the progress on the flight model. BlueBird Simulations has been working diligently to ensure that the aircraft handles like the real 757. They have consulted with real-world pilots to fine-tune the physics, giving simmers an authentic experience. In the video, we can see a demo flight showing off the plane’s smooth handling, responsive controls, and the classic 757 power.

Custom Sounds

Sound is an integral part of the immersive experience, and BlueBird is sparing no effort in this area. The team is crafting custom sounds for the engines, switches, and environment within the cockpit, creating an audio experience that complements the stunning visuals. As demonstrated in the video, you can hear the distinct roar of the RB211 engines, giving simmers a true sense of what it’s like to fly the real deal.

Texturing and Visuals

The October update also highlights significant improvements in external texturing and modeling. The 757’s fuselage, wings, and engines have received further refinements, bringing them closer to completion. The level of detail—from rivets to weathering effects—adds an extra layer of realism that fans of the 757 are sure to appreciate.

Systems Development and Avionics

In the systems department, progress is steady, with the team working on implementing and testing essential avionics. The update gives a brief overview of the progress on the flight management system (FMS) and autopilot, which are key components in delivering an immersive flying experience. BlueBird is striving to ensure these systems mirror their real-world counterparts, allowing simmers to enjoy a fully functional and accurate aircraft.

 Release Plans: No Launch in 2024

Unfortunately, BlueBird has confirmed that the 757 will not be releasing in 2024. While this news might come as a letdown, the team’s dedication to perfection is commendable. They are focused on delivering an aircraft that not only meets but exceeds expectations, and this requires more time for testing, tweaking, and perfecting the details.

Final Thoughts

This October update from BlueBird Simulations shows promising progress, even if it’s coupled with the news of a delayed release. From the immersive cockpit experience to the authentic flight model and custom sounds, it’s clear that the team is working hard to deliver a high-quality product. With each update, the 757 gets closer to becoming a must-have for flight sim enthusiasts, even if we’ll have to wait beyond 2024.

Stay tuned to Sky Blue Radio for more updates on the BlueBird Simulations 757.



Written by: JT

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